Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam can do more than test your vision – it could help save your life. Eye exams with a doctor of optometry can help detect eye diseases and serve as early indicators of a number of potentially serious health conditions, including brain tumours.

Free Eye Exam for Children

Free Eye Exam for Children

John Doe 28/10/2017 0
The most important thing in every parent’s life is his or her child. If your kids live in Alberta, Canada and they have the provincial Alberta Health Care, they are covered! This applies for people under 18 years old. Parents go to extensive lengths to make their children’s lives easier and provide them with every opportunity they may not have had. That’s why it’s so important to get your child’s eyes checked!  Children can sometimes go through years of undiagnosed vision problems causing problems in school, sports, and even in their social life. You may have given them every o...
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An eye exam could help save your life

An eye exam could help save your life

Dr. Carolina Navarrete 17/05/2016 0
A comprehensive eye exam can do more than test your vision – it could help save your life. Eye exams with a doctor of optometry can help detect eye diseases and serve as early indicators of a number of potentially serious health conditions, including brain tumours. It’s important to remember that the eyes are connected to many other systems in the human body. That makes routine eye exams an important part of preventative healthcare—regardless of your age or physical health. Comprehensive eye exams not only test your vision, but also give optometrists a close-up look at the inside of th...
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