Eye Health Blog

Myopia progression slows by contact lenses

Myopia progression slows by contact lenses

John Doe 24/03/2018 0
The prevalence of myopia has been steadily rising, with 28 per cent of the global population said to be affected in 2010 and to rise to affect nearly 50 per cent by 2050. The use of soft contact lenses as a platform for myopia control offers an exciting and effective avenue to manage myopia but there is a need for further research on issues such as the mechanism underlying control of myopia, improving efficacy with lenses, and understanding rebound on discontinuation. More significantly, although contact lenses are generally safe and improve quality of life in older children, one of the ...
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How an Eye Exam Can Save Your Life

How an Eye Exam Can Save Your Life

John Doe 18/02/2018 0
How an Eye Exam Can Save Your Life  The need for periodic optometric examination has been recognized for many years. Vision and ocular health conditions are not always accompanied by recognizable symptoms. There is often an increased risk to the patient if treatment is not initiated in a timely manner. Relying on the occurrence of obvious symptoms in order to initiate an eye examination exposes the patient to an unnecessary risk.  If you’ve ever visited an eye doctor, you’re aware of the tests and procedures used to examine your eyes. But did you know that some of these exams can...
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Diabetes patients are TWICE as likely to develop cataracts

Diabetes patients are TWICE as likely to develop cataracts

John Doe 11/02/2018 0
Diabetes patients are TWICE as likely to develop cataracts - the leading cause of blindness across the world, 15-year study reveals Women sufferers had the greatest risk of cataracts, scientists have concluded And middle-aged patients are nearly 6 times more likely to develop the condition Cataracts often strike older adults, and gradually worsen their vision over time Diabetics are twice as likely to develop cataracts than adults who don't suffer from the killer condition, new research suggests. Women sufferers had the greatest risk of cataracts - the leading cause of blind...
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Repetitive strain from eye movement may play a role in glaucoma

Repetitive strain from eye movement may play a role in glaucoma

John Doe 03/02/2018 0
Findings may explain why glaucoma develops in people with normal intraocular pressure. Common, unavoidable eye movements may be a cause of glaucoma in people with normal intraocular pressure (normal-tension glaucoma), according to new research supported by the National Eye Institute. The findings suggest that over time eye movement strains the optic nerve, the bundle of nerve fibers between the eye and brain. The research may also explain why tension-lowering eye drops can improve normal-tension glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.  Computer simulati...
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Single Vision Promotion

Single Vision Promotion

John Doe 18/11/2017 0
Our eye doctors and optometrist assistants will help you to find the best pair of glasses for your needs. Stop by and take advantage of our end-of-year promotion; single vision complete set for $ 150.00 CAD, and the second pair with 50% off!. You can use it as spare pair, reading pair, just a different look, or share it with your replicate (twin)! Few restrictions apply:Applicable for selected frames. Applicable for prescription cylinders under 2.0. If it is above additional fees will apply depending on the prescription. Second eyewear only suitable for the same patient; the pres...
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Free Eye Exam for Children

Free Eye Exam for Children

John Doe 28/10/2017 0
The most important thing in every parent’s life is his or her child. If your kids live in Alberta, Canada and they have the provincial Alberta Health Care, they are covered! This applies for people under 18 years old. Parents go to extensive lengths to make their children’s lives easier and provide them with every opportunity they may not have had. That’s why it’s so important to get your child’s eyes checked!  Children can sometimes go through years of undiagnosed vision problems causing problems in school, sports, and even in their social life. You may have given them every o...
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